Wednesday, January 8, 2025
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Women Goes Dating For Food

Interesting News! You might have planned to date out with your partner. The girl agreed and you may be quite emotional that both of you are serious about the relationship and you will take a brave action but think about something below. In earlier, a recent study was done by the Azusa Pacific University of California and the University of California Merced, California.

From the investigation, it has been found that 1 in 4 women can go to date to eat well . They are not serious about the relationship. Even there is no hindrance in them. They consider this as a normal thing. The results of this study have caused a stir in the normal way. For this reason, just before you get excited about it, keep your eyes and ears open.

Surajit Joarder

The founder of 365 Reporter. He loves entertainment so much. So, his posts are basically about the actor, actresses biography, lifestyle, movies, series etc.