Thursday, February 6, 2025

Shonar Bengal Serial (Zee Zest) Wiki, Cast, Story, Release Date

Shonar Bengal Serial (Zee Zest) Wiki, Cast, Story, Release Date

Shonar Bengal (Sonar Bangla Serial) is an upcoming cultural show on Zee Zest TV channel. This show depicts the rich culture of West Bengal, India. This Hindi Serial Sonar Bengal Serial release date is 30 March, 2022. Shonar Bengal Promo is already shown on Zee Zest TV channel and Zee Zest YT channel. Bade Achhe Lagte Hain famed actress Sumona Chakraborty (Sumona Chakravarti) will lead this show. To know Shonar Bengal Serial actor actress, release date, please read this post till last. Sonar Bengal Serial Wikipedia. (#ShonarBengal #ZeeZest)

Shonar Bengal Serial (Zee Zest) Wiki, Cast, Story, Release Date
Shonar Bengal Serial (Zee Zest) Wiki, Cast, Story, Release Date
Serial NameShonar Bengal
Cast (Actress Name, Actor Name)Sumona Chakravarti
Channel NameZee Zest, Zee Bangla
Release Date30 March, 2022
Show TimeWednesday 8 pm (Zee Zest), Sunday 12:30pm (Zee Bangla)
Producer NameTBA
Production CompanyTBA

Shonar Bengal Cast: Shona Bengal actress name is Sumona Chakravarti. In earlier, she acts as Natasha Amarnath Kapoor in Sony Entertainment’s Bade Achhe Lagte Hain show and gains popularity.

Shonar Bengal Story or Synopsis: Actress Sumona visits Bengal and gets a taste of rich culture. The culture includes football of Bengali’s, Howrah bridge, tea garden’s in Darjeeling, music of West Bengal etc. According to Sumona,”Journey hogi fatafati.”

Shonar Bengal Serial Writer, Director, Producer name: Shonar Bengal Director name. Sonar Bengal producer name is also is producing the serial under. Sonar Bengal serial Cast, Shonar Bengal Wikipedia. Shonar Bangla Serial. Shonar Bengal shooting location: all over West Bengal.

Shonar Bengal Serial Promo Trailer Teaser: Watch Shonar Bengal serial trailer on Zee Zest You Tube Channel or TV channel. Shonar Bengal teaser. Shonar Bengal serial promo. Sonar Bengal Today Episode.

Sonar Bangla Serial Musical Team : TBA
Sonra Bengal
Serial Technical Team : TBA
Shona Bengal
Serial Release Date : 30 March, 2022
Sonar Bengal
Serial Show Time: Every Wednesday 8 pm (Zee Zest), Sunday 12:30pm (Zee Bangla)
Shonar Bangla Serial actor, actress salary:

Surajit Joarder

The founder of 365 Reporter. He loves entertainment so much. So, his posts are basically about the actor, actresses biography, lifestyle, movies, series etc.