Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Alor Thikana Serial (Sun Bangla) Wiki, Cast, Story, Release Date

Alor Thikana Serial (Sun Bangla) Wiki, Cast, Story, Release Date

Alor Thikana Sun Bangla Serial (Alor Theekana Sun Bangla Serial) is an upcoming serial in Sun Bangla TV channel. This is a women-centric soap opera. New Bangla Serial Alor Thikana will be released on. Alor Thikana trailer is already shown on Sun Bangla TV channel and Sun Bangla YT channel. Popular TV star Debadrita Basu will lead this TV Show. To know Alor Thikana Serial actor actress, release date, please read this post till last. (আলোর ঠিকানা সিরিয়াল সান বাংলা – দেবাদ্রিতা বসু, জন ভট্টাচার্য – #AlorThikana #AlorTheekana #SunBangla #banglaserial #আলোরঠিকানা)

Alor Thikana Cast: Actress Debadrita Basu will be the heroine of this serial. She will act as. She actually gains popularity after performing as ‘Alo Sengupta’ in Alo Chhaya serial on Zee Bangla. And actor John Bhattacharya will be the hero of this show. Previously, he acts as the villain Omi Agarwal in Mithai serial. So, he truns himself from villain to hero. Another important cast are: Joyjit Banerjee, Anindya Pulak Bandopadhyay, Shankar Debnath. All three shall be the reel brother of Jon. Alor Thikana actress name Debadrita Basu.

Alor Thikana Story or Synopsis: Hero and heroine are seen in the first look. And a close shot is taken. As, the trailer has not been released yet, so, it is not possible to tell the story line.

Alor Thikana Serial Cast (Actor/Actress Name)Role/Character/Act As
Debadrita BasuFemale Lead
John BhattacharyaHero
Joyjit BandopadhyayTBA
Anindya Pulak BandopadhyayTBA
Shankar DebnathTBA

Alor Thikana Serial Wikipedia, Writer, Director, Producer name: Alor Thikana serial director name is. Alor Theekana script writer name. Alar Thikana serial producer name: Mispal Singh, Surinder Singh and are producing under the banner of Surinder Films and distributed by Sun Bangla. Alor Thikana serial shooting location:. Alor Thikana Wikipedia.

Alor Thikana Promo, Trailer, Teaser: Watch Alor Thikana serial trailer on Sun Bangla You Tube Channel or TV channel. Alor Thikana teaser. Alor Thikana serial promo.

Serial NameAlor Thikana (আলোর ঠিকানা সিরিয়াল)
Channel NameSun Bangla
Release DateTBA
Show TimeTBA
Director NameTBA
Producer NameNispal Singh, Surinder Singh
Production CompanySurinder Films
GenreSoap Opera
OTT PlatformSun NXT

Alor Thekana Serial Technical Team : TBA
Alor Thikana Serial Release Date : TBA
Alor Thikana Serial Show Time: TBA
Alor Tikana Serial actor, actress salary: Unknown

Surajit Joarder

The founder of 365 Reporter. He loves entertainment so much. So, his posts are basically about the actor, actresses biography, lifestyle, movies, series etc.